.. _interface-module: Interface ========= ``CryptoFactory`` is the main client interface to access all Crypto-Factory features. Its principal role is to offer common methods to execute cryptography tasks from different Crypto providers (or implementations). Also, it provides 'synthetic' methods for advanced features such as data tagging mechanism or ability to rotate between keys and encryption algorithms. As the client interface, it has entry-points to manage underneath Crypto providers, to consume several utilities or helpers, and to access templates for building your own Crypto services. Features -------- - **Crypto services management** (See ``factory`` module.) - Abstraction **methods for encryption**; rely on underneath Crypto services (See ``providers`` module.) - **Tagging** mechanism - **Advanced method(s)** such as ``rotate`` to migrate encrypted data to another Crypto service - **Crypto utilities** such as generate random keys and strings, inspect tags or encoding functions (See ``utilities`` module.) - **Built-in Crypto providers** for direct use of defined encryption algorithms (See ``providers`` module.) - **Crypto templates** for building your own encryption algorithms (See ``providers`` module.) For details, check relative :ref:`API ` documentation.