Getting started

Welcome! This section is an overview of Crypto-Factory; for further details, see the documentation for each modules and the API doc section.


Main purpose of Crypto-Factory library is to provide a common interface to application for cryptographic tasks.

Based on Factory method design pattern, it provides an abstraction layer to define cryptographic recipes as service providers, a ‘factory’ manager to register and create individual instances, and a standardized client interface to interact with them. With this approach, implementing existing or new cryptographic methods is simplified, more reusable and easier to maintain.

Crypto-Factory does not provide any Cryptographic algorithms on its own but relies on existing Python packages such as pyca/cryptography which is used to define some built-in Crypto providers. These providers can be used as a quick starter or samples for dedicated implementations. For this purpose, Templates class are also available to design your own recipes using your preferred cryptography packages.

Quick start

# Import  & initialize
>>> from crypto_factory import CryptoFactory
>>> cf = CryptoFactory()

# Define your Crypto providers configuration
>>> conf_AES = {
...     # existing service
...     'key' : b'WkqHg8m9RwmE1iPQJAbuJRKmh72vLvUNFepIWrOldKg=',
...     'iv'  : b'vdU1T6NvAZJIlnznSe8gbQ==',
... }

>>> new_key = cf.utils.generate_key()
>>> conf_Fernet = {
...     # new service
...     'id' : 'new',
...     'builder' : 'FernetServiceBuilder',
...     'tag' : 'FERNET_TAG',
...     'key' : new_key,
... }

# Register both providers
...     conf_AES,
...     sid='aes',
...     builder='AESServiceBuilder',
...     tag="AES_TAG",
... )

>>> new_mode =
>>> print(new_mode)

# Encrypt data
>>> old_secret = cf.encrypt('My_Secret', mode='aes', tag=False)
>>> new_secret = cf.encrypt('My_Secret', new_mode)

# Decrypt data
>>> cf.decrypt(old_secret, mode='aes')

>>> cf.decrypt(new_secret)  # (mode is not required with tagging)

# Decrypt wrong hash
>>> cf.decrypt(old_secret, mode='new')
Traceback (most recent call last):
CryptoFactoryError: Unable to decrypt with Crypto service: new

# Rotate cipher from one or more modes to a target one (migration)
>>> secret = cf.rotate(old_secret, from_modes=['aes', ], to_mode='new')
>>> cf.decrypt(secret, mode='new')


Current implemented features are:

Client interface:
Symmetric encryption: encrypt, decrypt, rotate.
Factory (Services manager):
To register and call Crypto service providers.
Built-in Crypto providers:
Services for AES & Fernet encryption. (can be used as quick starter or samples to define your own recipes)
Tagging mechanism:
Tag encrypted data to identify provider ; can be enforced or disabled.
Utilities & helpers:
Manage tags & providers, generate random keys, string encoding, …
Single CryptoFactoryError class to catch errors. (basic implementation to simplify errors management on client side)
Base classes to implement a Crypto services and its related builder(s).


Crypto-Factory is best installed via pip:

$ pip install Crypto-Factory

Or cloning the Git repository and running within it:

$ pip install -e .


In order for Crypto-Factory’s installation to succeed, you will need the following: